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School Info  

100 Sunset Trail
Brentwood, TN 37027
Start/Dismissal Times:
School Start Time: 8:43am
Regular Dismissal Time: 3:47pm
Half Day Dismissal Time: 12:18pm
Early Release Dismissal Time: 1:58pm
School Open to Students: 8:30am
Lunch Schedule:
Pre-K: 11:05-11:35
Kindergarten: 10:35-11:05
1st grade: 10:30-11:00
2nd grade: 12:20-12:50
3rd grade: 11:50-12:20
4th grade: 12:40-1:10
5th grade: 11:45-12:15


Early Release Dates

August 28
September 18
October 2
October 23
November 20
January 15
January 29
February 12
March 5
March 26
April 9



July 22, 2024

Dear Sunset Families,


On behalf of Sunset Elementary PTO, welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  I am excited to be your PTO President during this year.  Your PTO is committed to working with Administration, WCS and you to ensure Sunset Elementary students and staff have the tools they need to be successful.  This is a community endeavor, and together we can help our children grow, learn and succeed!


The PTO has several outlets for you to both receive communication and provide feedback and suggestions.  The PTO has an active Facebook and Instagram page (@ptosunsetelementary).  The very best source for timely information about Sunset Elementary is still our e-newsletter, “The RoundUp”, so please make sure you complete the “Back to School” packet on the PTO website so you are enrolled to start receiving the newsletter.  In conjunction with Principal Aaron’s newsletters, we are confident you will be kept up to date.  We will also communicate via email when something important is happening. 


Whether we’re holding events, or helping at school, SSES PTO is a volunteer-led organization and is most effective when families are engaged and participating.  Please make sure you indicate your Volunteer Interests when completing the “Back to School” packet on our website.  Providing volunteer interests allows our Committee Chairs to contact individuals when those events or activities occur to ensure families are involved.


In addition to providing volunteer support and acting as a liaison between parents and school, fundraising is an important part of the PTO’s mission.  It is our goal this year to provide a variety of opportunities to contribute.  Donate to the Invest in Your Stallion (IIYS) campaign at the beginning of the school year, attend our Fall Carnival + Silent Auction, scan your Publix and Kroger card when you grocery shop, and come to Spirit Support events with your family.  We are committed to working hard this year to continue to raise money for new classroom furniture to replace our 19 year furniture.  We appreciate your support!


Finally, come learn more about our plans for the 24-25 school year at our first of three General PTO meetings, August 12th at 9:30 a.m.  The meeting will be held in the cafeteria following our Tears and Cheers breakfast for kindergarten parents.  All parents are encouraged to attend whether in person or via Zoom.  We welcome your feedback and suggestions at any time.  I am looking forward to seeing you at school and enjoying another great year at Sunset!


Megan Ferrise

2024-2025 President

Sunset Elementary PTO



Visit our website at ssesptomembershiptoolkit.com                          
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ptosunsetelementary


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