Parent Resources
District Resources
School Info
100 Sunset Trail
Brentwood, TN 37027
Start/Dismissal Times:
School Start Time: 8:43am
Regular Dismissal Time: 3:47pm
Half Day Dismissal Time: 12:18pm
Early Release Dismissal Time: 1:58pm
School Open to Students: 8:30am
Lunch Schedule:
Pre-K: 11:05-11:35
Kindergarten: 10:35-11:05
1st grade: 10:30-11:00
2nd grade: 12:20-12:50
3rd grade: 11:50-12:20
4th grade: 12:40-1:10
5th grade: 11:45-12:15
Early Release Dates
August 28
September 18
October 2
October 23
November 20
January 15
January 29
February 12
March 5
March 26
April 9
Sunset Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization Bylaws
Last Updated: January 15, 2025
Article I: Name
The name of this association is the Sunset Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (“Sunset PTO”), located in Brentwood, Tennessee.
Article II: Purpose and Objectives
The Sunset PTO is organized for charitable and educational purposes which include the following objectives:
- To provide opportunities for acquaintance between parents, teachers, and administrators through programs, events and social affairs.
- To support the school in their efforts to educate and encourage the character development of our children.
- To enhance the overall educational environment by promoting volunteerism and parent involvement.
- To raise funds to provide for the above.
- To facilitate communication between school administration and parents.
Article III: Membership and Dues
- Membership is open to all parents, legal guardians and family members of children attending Sunset Elementary School, as well as faculty and administrative staff of the school, who are interested in the purpose for which this organization is established and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its bylaws.
- Dues shall be established by the Executive Board prior to or during the first meeting of each school year.
- The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members of the organization whose dues have been paid.
Article IV: Governing Provisions
- The organization is organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes with the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding Section of any future tax code (hereinafter “Internal Revenue Code”).
- The organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-partisan and non discriminatory.
- The organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate in any political campaign, on behalf or, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
- The organization shall not enter into membership with other associations except with the approval of the executive team, but may cooperate with other associations/organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare and education.
- The utilization of PTO resources (time, money and people) should be prioritized according to the following:
- Programs directly impacting student education and/or student welfare and safety.
- The procurement and betterment of long lasting school facilities. 3. Other programs that support the objectives listed under Article II.
Article V: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Sunset PTO shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
Article VI: Executive Board Overview
- The Executive Board shall be comprised of the following nine (9-12) elected positions: President, President-Elect, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Fundraising, Vice President of Projects, Vice President of Communications, Secretary, Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect. Vice President of Fundraising, Vice President of Membership and Vice President of Communications are allowed to have up to 2 members in that role; all other positions are allowed 1 member per role. These members of the Executive Board have voting rights.
- The elected Executive Board positions are for a term of one (1) year. No Executive Board member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same elected office, and no Executive Board member may serve more than four (4) consecutive years in an elected position on the Executive Board.
- The Executive Board shall also consist of the following two (2) non-elected positions: Principal or Vice Principal and Teacher/Faculty Representative appointed by the Principal. These members of the Executive Board have voting rights as follows: Principal or Vice Principal, one (1) vote, and Teacher/Faculty Representative, one (1) vote.
- The Executive Board may also consist of a non-voting Advisory Member. The Executive Board may select the Advisory Member from the previous year's Executive Board. If this is not feasible, the Advisory Member can be a member at large appointed by the Executive Board.
- Only one (1) member per household may serve on the Executive Board during the same school year.
- The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month during the school year, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President. The President must call a special meeting upon the written request of three (3) members. Special meetings must be held within ten (10) days of a receipt request, and all members must be notified in writing 48 hours prior to the meeting.
- Each voting member of the Executive Board is allowed one vote by voice or ballot except for the President who votes only in the event of a tie or to cause the necessary 2/3. Quorum is established only when at least 2/3 of voting members are present. If a voting Executive Board position is vacant, it is not included when determining quorum. No business can be voted on without a quorum.
- In the case of an Executive Board vote via email, a motion will carry with a 2/3 vote of all voting board members. The motion and results of the vote via email shall be recorded in the minutes of the Executive Board meeting immediately following. Use of vote by email shall be used on an exception basis. Executive Board members have 72 hours to reply to votes sent by email.
- When an Executive Board member fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without adequate excuse, or is not fulfilling the responsibilities of the office as prescribed in the bylaws or standing rules, or engages in conduct injurious to the organization or its purposes, the Executive Board may, by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote, declare the office vacant.
- The duties of the Executive Board include the following:
- To transact necessary business in the intervals between organization meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the
- To create standing and special committees as are deemed necessary to promote the purpose and to carry on the work of the organization.
- To approve the plans of the standing committees.
- To present a report at the general meetings of the organizations.
- To select an auditor or an auditing committee to audit the treasurer’s accounts as required by Williamson County Schools.
- Shall fill all vacancies in office, including that of President. Interim officers will be elected for the remainder of the current term or until the next scheduled general election.
- Shall present a report of actions taken at the general meetings of the organization.
- Shall receive a financial report from the Treasurer at each meeting.
- Shall approve the special committees identified by any member of the Executive Board.
10.Shall procure insurance for the PTO to ensure the organization and officers and protected.
- Before November of each Year, the individuals in the positions of President, Vice President of Fundraising, Treasurer and any other Executive Board member authorized to sign Sunset PTO checks must complete a Tier III background check as detailed by Williamson County Schools on the WCS website and WCS Board Policy 4.501p. Sunset PTO will pay for the background checks.
Article VII: Executive Committee Officers and Their Election A. President
- Serve as the primary contact between the Principal/Admin and PTO officers. This includes monthly admin meetings and emails prior to Executive Board meetings as needed.
- Coordinate and monitor the work of officers and committees of the organization in order that the mission of the PTO may be accomplished.
- Set meeting calendar and establish agendas for Executive and General PTO meetings.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
- Organize and lead PTO officers in executing Supplies Distribution, Back to School night, Invest in Your Stallion, Donuts with Grownups, Sneak a Peek and other events as needed.
- Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the Sunset Elementary PTO.
- Ensure all contracts and/or legally binding documents are approved via Board vote by the organization prior to signing the contract by PTO President (only).
- Ensure that the Sunset Elementary PTO complies with the bylaws and follows the necessary steps to amend them, should the need arise.
- Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
10.Identifies the need for additional special committees.
11.Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed) to be sent to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what, where, when, why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media, emails, printouts, etc.
12.Responsible for working with administration to identify fundraising needs and goals.
13.Complete background check to be added to bank account for signing privileges.
14.To help develop an annual budget as outlined in these bylaws.
- President-Elect
- To assume the office of President at the expiration of the term.
- To become intimately acquainted with all Sunset Elementary PTO operations. 3. To perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to serve.
- To assist the President in assuming the responsibilities of any open positions. 5. To assist the President and Vice Presidents as needed.
- Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
- Vice President of Membership
- Responsible for encouraging and maximizing the PTO membership.
- Responsible for the orientation of volunteers and coordination (with the Vice President of Projects, Vice President of Fundraising and Vice President of Communications) of assignments to subcommittees and/or activities.
- Oversee the subcommittees and their budgets as identified by the Executive Board and attend committee meetings as needed to report back to the PTO Board at Executive Meetings.
- Perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President and President-Elect to serve.
- Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
- Maintain and supervise the collection of committee binders and electronic media for committees that fall under this position.
- Coordinate the Committee Chair meeting to communicate policies and procedures in August.
- Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed) to be sent to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what, where, when, why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media, emails, printouts, etc.
- Vice President of Fundraising
- Responsible for screening proposed new fundraising activities of the Sunset PTO and presenting a fundraising proposal for the upcoming school year to be voted on by the Executive Board in the July meeting.
- Oversee subcommittees and their budgets identified by the Executive Board and attend committee meetings as needed to report back to PTO Board at Executive Meetings.
- Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Vice President of Fundraising.
- Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
- Maintain and supervise the collection of committee binders and electronic media for committees that fall under this position.
- Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed) to be sent to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what, where, when, why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media, emails, printouts, etc.
- Responsible for completing and submitting Williamson County School Fundraising Request forms to submit to the school Bookkeeper when the final Fundraising budget is submitted.
- Responsible for collecting donations and matching gifts from Invest in Your Stallion, Fun Run, etc.
9.Complete background check to be added to bank account for signing privileges.
10.To help develop an annual budget as outlined in these bylaws.
- Vice President of Projects
- Oversee landscaping and special projects that are generally nonrecurring.
- Oversee the subcommittees and their budgets identified by the Executive Board and attend committee meetings as needed to report back to PTO Board at Executive Meetings.
- Perform such duties as may be delegated to the Vice President of Projects. 4. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
- Responsible for purchasing, inventorying and organizing physical assets such as signage, supplies, etc. located in the shed and PTO room/cabinets
- Maintain and supervise the collection of committee binders and electronic media for committees that fall under this position.
- Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed) to be sent to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what, where, when, why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media, emails, printouts, etc.
- Vice President Communications
- Distributes school and community-wide communications from the PTO.
- Ensures accurate and timely PTO related communication between parents, school staff and teachers such as copying and distributing fliers, sending emails via Membership Toolkits, etc.
- Responsible for the distribution of the Sunset Elementary PTO e-newsletter at least once a month. Must be approved by the Principal and PTO President.
- Responsible for posting content to the Sunset Elementary Sunset PTO website and any other social media sites maintained by PTO.
- To perform such duties as may be delegated to the VP Communications. 6. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
- Responsible for Membership Toolkit form creation/updates such as cafeteria, workroom, fuel bags, events, book fair and others as needed.
- Secretary
- Shall keep an accurate and detailed record of the proceedings of all Executive and General Board meetings, upload the document to the PTO Google drive and share with the PTO Board within 3 days of the Executive Board meeting. General Board meeting minutes should also be sent to VP Communications to post on the PTO Website.
- To present minutes of the General Board Meetings for approval by membership in attendance.
- Responsible for overseeing the organization and maintenance of digital files on the PTO Google drive.
- To be prepared to refer to minutes in previous meetings.
- To keep a current copy of bylaws, including addendums.
- To record attendance of all Executive Board and general PTO meetings. 7. To be knowledgeable and enforce Roberts Rules of Order at all meetings. 8. To reconcile the bank statement monthly before each Executive Board meeting.
- Responsible for PTO Bulletin Board updates monthly or as needed as coordinated with PTO Board.
10.To perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Secretary. 11.Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
- Treasurer
- To keep permanent books of account and records that shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the organization. The books of account and records shall be at reasonable times open to inspection by any member of the organization in the presence of a witness.
- To receive all monies for the organization, giving receipt upon request and depositing them in the name of the organization in a bank approved by the Executive board.
- To receive and maintain a copy of the deposit slip and supporting deposit ledger for any deposit made.
- To secure two (2) signatures on all checks. Any two (2) of the following Executive Board members are bank authorized to sign: President, President Elect, Vice Presidents and Treasurer. The authorized signers shall not be related by blood or marriage or reside at the same address.
- To keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements that is the permanent record of this organization. All financial records must be retained for seven (7) years, including the current year.
- To keep the membership informed of expenditures of more than $500 as they relate to the budget adopted by the organization.
- To be prepared to present a statement of account at every meeting of the organization including a budget and income versus expenses summary.
- To be responsible for filling out and forwarding all necessary tax forms required by any government agency to an independent agent for completion.
- To provide a year-end report to Williamson County School District administration, including gross receipts and disbursements for the year.
10.To help develop an annual budget as outlined in these bylaws.
11.Responsible to maintain petty cash at $140 locked in the school vault. 12.To perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Treasurer. 13.Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a successor to the position.
15.Complete background check to be added to bank account for signing privileges.
- Treasurer-Elect
- To assist the Treasurer.
- To assume the office of Treasurer at the expiration of the term.
- To perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence or inability of the Treasurer to serve.
- Nominating and Election Process
- Each elected officer shall be a member of this PTO.
- An elected Executive Board member cannot serve on the Sunset Elementary PTO Executive Board in the same role for more than two (2) consecutive years and on the Executive Board for more than (4) consecutive years.
- A Nominating Committee shall be created by no later than the March meeting of the organization. The President and Treasurer shall not serve on the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will be responsible for developing a ballot of nominations for each of the Executive Team positions.
- The Nominating Committee shall be composed of two (2) to three (3) members. These members should not be running for an office in the upcoming election.
- The Nominating Committee shall accept nominations only from persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected.
- If the positions of President-Elect and Treasurer-Elect are filled, the positions of President and Treasurer will not appear on the ballot the following year. The President-Elect and Treasurer-Elect from the previous year will automatically fill those positions.
- A ballot of nominations will be presented by a member of the nominating committee at the April Executive Board meeting. Additional nominations may be submitted by a member to the Executive Board at that time. The ballot of nominations will be posted to the PTO website.
- The election of Executive Board members will take place at the last general meeting of the organization. All nominees will be given the opportunity to speak at this meeting. Only members of the organization can vote. Contested races will be voted on by Sunset PTO members present at this meeting, using printed ballots.
- Newly elected Executive Board members should be invited, and attend all Executive Board meetings through the remainder of the fiscal year.
10.Elected officers will assume their positions June 1.
11.The Executive Board may select an Advisory Member from the previous years Executive Board. If this is not feasible, the Advisory Member may be a member at large appointed by the Executive Board.
12.If no candidate is found for a vacant position, a current Executive Board member may serve in the interim until a volunteer is found to complete that term of office. The interim term shall be approved by the Executive Board
Article VIII: Standing/Permanent Committees
- The Executive Board may create standing committees, as it may deem necessary, to promote the objectives and carry out the work of the organization.
- The Executive Board member responsible for the standing committee shall appoint a PTO member to serve as chairperson. The chairperson of each committee shall appoint his/her own committee members and present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval. Committee members must be current Sunset Elementary PTO members. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Executive Board.
- The term of office for a chairperson shall be for one (1) year. Consecutive terms are permissible, and if no successor has been approved, a current chairperson may retain the position until a successor is found.
- Upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation or termination, each chairperson shall turn over to the Executive Board member in charge of their committee, without delay, all records, books and other material pertaining to the chairmanship, and shall return to the Treasurer, without delay, all funds belonging to the organization.
- Prior to year end, each committee chairperson shall submit to the Executive Board member in charge of their committee feedback of the year’s activities and recommendations for changes, if needed.
Article IX: General Membership Minutes
- General meetings of the organization will be held during the school year. Dates of meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board and announced at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
- Members present at a duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum.
- Meetings will include a budget review and a vote for approval, if needed.
- All minutes of general membership meetings shall be made available following
the general meeting. All minutes of any PTO meetings, including Executive Board meetings, shall be made available upon request.
- There shall be at least three (3) general meetings of the PTO per school year.
Article X: Budgeting and Finances
- The various standing committees will be responsible for developing preliminary work plans and revenue/cost estimates. These plans will be presented to the Executive Team for revision and approval.
- The Treasurer, President and VP of Fundraising will prepare an initial budget for the organization by the end of July. The final budget must be approved by the Executive Team.
- The Treasurer, President and VP of Fundraising will also prepare a summer budget that the PTO will use for expenses that fall between the start of our fiscal year (July 1) and our first general meeting where we will vote on our official budget.
- The budget will be reviewed with the entire organization at a general meeting.
- Committee expenditures are budgeted and approved in advance. If a committee anticipates non-budgeted costs, they must approach the PTO for approval, and those expenses should be put to discussion and a vote before the costs are incurred.
- The committee will collect gross revenues and submit them to the Treasurer. G. The committee will also submit documented expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Sunset Elementary PTO will follow all Williamson County School District finance policies including having two PTO Executive Board members count and record in ledger petty cash, before and after usage, prior to deposit.
Article XI: Communications Policy
- News items published in “The Roundup” newsletter and/or disseminated through any electronic media formats will be limited to the following, unless otherwise approved by the PTO board:
- Activities or events sponsored by Sunset Elementary School.
- Activities or events sponsored by other Williamson County Schools. 3. Activities or events sponsored by Sunset Elementary School Community Partners, and those who have made donations/contributions to Sunset Elementary School.
- The Sunset PTO Website will be the primary PTO vehicle for communicating with Sunset Elementary School parents.
- Blast email, as approved by the PTO President and VP Communications, may be used to disseminate time-sensitive information as needed.
- All information that appears in “The Roundup” newsletter must be approved by the PTO President and the Sunset Elementary School Principal or Assistant Principal.
- Only the PTO President and PTO VP Communications may send blast email or post information on electronic media formats without the express consent of the PTO President.
- Sunset Elementary PTO will follow all policies of the Williamson County School District and Sunset Elementary School regarding publication of any picture of a student, in which the student is recognizable.
- Sunset Elementary PTO will follow all Williamson County School District communications policies.
Article XII: Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall be the authority in any parliamentary question not covered in these bylaws.
Article XIII: Bylaw Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any general meeting of the membership by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided the proposed amendment has been approved by the Executive Board and has been read at the previous meeting of the organization or has been made available to the members prior to the next regular scheduled meeting.
Article XIV: Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of Williamson County, Tennessee, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as the Court shall determine.
APPROVED this 15th day of January, 2025.
Megan Ferrise, President
Christina Logan, Secretary
Sunset Elementary School PTO
100 Sunset Trail
Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 615-472-5020
Federal Employee Identification #32-01457421 Last Updated January 15, 2025