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A. President
1. Serve as the primary contact between the Principal/Admin and PTO officers.
This includes monthly admin meetings and emails prior to Executive Board
meetings as needed.
2. Coordinate and monitor the work of officers and committees of the
organization in order that the mission of the PTO may be accomplished.
3. Set meeting calendar and establish agendas for Executive and General PTO
4. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating
5. Organize and lead PTO officers in executing Supplies Distribution, Back to
School night, Invest in Your Child, Donuts with Grownups and other events as

6. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned
by the Sunset Elementary PTO.
7. Ensure all contracts and/or legally binding documents are approved via Board
vote by the organization prior to signing contract by PTO President (only).
8. Ensure that the Sunset Elementary PTO complies with the bylaws and follows
the necessary steps to amend them, should the need arise.
9. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
10.Identifies the need for additional special committees.
11.Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed)
to be send to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the
planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what,
where, when why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media,
emails, printouts, etc.
12.Responsible for working with administration to identify fundraising needs and
13.Complete background check to be added to bank account for signing

B. President-Elect
1. To assume the office of President at the expiration of the term.
2. To become intimately acquainted with all Sunset Elementary PTO operations.
3. To perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the
President to serve.
4. To assist the President in assuming the responsibilities of any open positions.
5. To assist the President and Vice Presidents as needed.
6. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
C. Vice President of Membership
1. Responsible for encouraging and maximizing the PTO membership.
2. Responsible for the orientation of volunteers and coordination (with the Vice
President of Projects, Vice President of Fundraising and Vice President of
Communications) of assignments to subcommittees and/or activities.
3. Oversee the subcommittees and their budgets as identified by the Executive
Board and attend committee meetings as needed to report back to PTO Board
at Executive Meetings.
4. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President
and President-Elect to serve.
5. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
6. Maintain and supervise the collection of committee binders and electronic
media for committees that fall under this position.

7. Coordinate the Committee Chair meeting to communicate policies and
procedures in August.
8. Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed)
to be send to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the
planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what,
where, when why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media,
emails, printouts, etc.

D. Vice President of Fundraising
1. Responsible for screening proposed new fundraising activities of the Sunset
PTO and presenting a fundraising proposal for the upcoming school year to
be voted on by the Executive Board in the July meeting.
2. Oversee subcommittees and their budgets identified by the Executive Board
and attend committee meetings as needed to report back to PTO Board at
Executive Meetings.
3. Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Vice President of
4. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
5. Maintain and supervise the collection of committee binders and electronic
media for committees that fall under this position.
6. Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed)
to be send to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the
planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what,
where, when why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media,
emails, printouts, etc.
7. Responsible for completing and submitting Williamson County School
Fundraising Request forms to submit to the school Bookkeeper when final
Fundraising budget is submitted.
8. Responsible for collecting donations and matching gifts from Invest in Your
Child, Fun Run, etc.
14.Complete background check to be added to bank account for signing

E. Vice President of Projects
1. Oversee landscaping and special projects that are generally nonrecurring.
2. Oversee the subcommittees and their budgets identified by the Executive
Board and attend committee meetings as needed to report back to PTO Board
at Executive Meetings.
3. Perform such duties as may be delegated to the Vice President of Projects.
4. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
5. Responsible for purchasing, inventorying and organizing physical assets such
as signage, supplies, etc. located in the shed and PTO room/cabinets

6. Maintain and supervise the collection of committee binders and electronic
media for committees that fall under this position.
7. Responsible for the creation of graphics and content blurb (callout if needed)
to be send to VP Communications and President for distribution. As the
planner for the event/project, this content should include the who, what,
where, when why as well as the timeline for rollout via website, social media,
emails, printouts, etc.

F. Vice President Communications
1. Distributes school and community-wide communications from the PTO.
2. Ensures accurate and timely PTO related communication between parents,
school staff and teachers such as copying and distributing fliers, sending
emails via Membership Toolkits, etc.
3. Responsible for the distribution of the Sunset Elementary PTO e-newsletter at
least once a month. Must be approved by Principal and PTO President.
4. Responsible for posting content to the Sunset Elementary Sunset PTO website
and any other social media sites maintained by PTO.
5. To perform such duties as may be delegated to the VP Communications.
6. Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
7. Responsible for Membership Toolkit form creation/updates such as cafeteria,
workroom, fuel bags, events, book fair and others as needed.

G. Secretary
1. Shall keep an accurate and detailed record of the proceedings of all Executive
and General Board meetings, upload the document to the PTO Google drive
and share with PTO Board within 3 days of the Executive Board meeting.
General Board meeting minutes should also be send to VP Communications to
post on PTO Website.
2. To present minutes of the General Board Meetings for approval by
membership in attendance.
3. Responsible for overseeing the organization and maintenance of digital files
on the PTO Google drive.
4. To be prepared to refer to minutes in previous meetings.
5. To keep a current copy of bylaws, including addendums.
6. To record attendance of all Executive Board and general PTO meetings.
7. To be knowledgeable and enforce Roberts Rules of Order at all meetings.
8. To reconcile the bank statement monthly before each Executive Board
9. Responsible for PTO Bulletin Board updates monthly or as needed as
coordinated with PTO Board.
10.To perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Secretary.
11.Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.

H. Treasurer
1. To keep permanent books of account and records that shall be sufficient to
establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the
organization. The books of account and records shall be at reasonable times
open to inspection by any member of the organization in the presence of a
2. To receive all monies for the organization, giving receipt upon request and
depositing them in the name of the organization in a bank approved by the
Executive board.
3. To receive and maintain a copy of the deposit slip and supporting deposit
ledger for any deposit made.
4. To secure two (2) signatures on all checks. Any two (2) of the following

Executive Board members are bank authorized to sign: President, President-
Elect, Vice Presidents and Treasurer. The authorized signers shall not be

related by blood or marriage or reside at the same address.
5. To keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements that is the
permanent record of this organization. All financial records must be retained
for seven (7) years, including the current year.
6. To keep the membership informed of expenditures of more than $500 as they
relate to the budget adopted by the organization.
7. To be prepared to present a statement of account at every meeting of the
organization including a budget and income versus expenses summary.
8. To be responsible for filling out and forwarding all necessary tax forms
required by any government agency to an independent agent for completion.
9. To provide a year-end report to Williamson County School District
administration, including gross receipts and disbursements for the year.
10.To develop an annual budget as outlined in these bylaws.
11.Responsible to maintain petty cash at $140 locked in school vault.
12.To perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Treasurer.
13.Maintain a binder, folder or electronic media, hereafter named Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP), for the purpose of guiding and training a
successor to the position.
15.Complete background check to be added to bank account for signing

I. Treasurer-Elect
1. To assist the Treasurer.
2. To assume the office of Treasurer at the expiration of the term.
3. To perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence or inability of the
Treasurer to serve.